a trustworthy developer


Cukrownia Apartaments is an intimate estate of 7 multi-family buildings, away from the hustle and bustle of the city center, and at the same time located so that its future residents have everything at hand. As part of the fourth stage of Cukrownia Apartaments, which will be ready in the end of 2026, with 88 apartments is planned.


• urban investment located away from the hustle and bustle of the city center,
• dynamically developing neighborhood and convenient communication with the center,
• the vicinity of two faculties of the University of Szczecin: Faculty of Humanities at ul. Krakowska and the Faculty of Management and Economics of Services at ul. Cukrowa are located less than 2 km from the Cukrownia Apartament investment.

About the estate:

As part of Cukrownia Apartaments, an architecturally coherent space is being created, which will ultimately consist of 7 multi-family buildings with nearly 700 apartments.. There are also parking spaces with the necessary communication infrastructure, as well as new recreational areas with each subsequent stage of the estate. The whole investment will be complemented by numerous plantings of trees and shrubs. All this to arrange an extraordinary living space for residents of all ages.

As part of the second stage of Cukrownia Apartaments, which will be ready in the third quarter of 2024, an L-shaped building with 80 units is planned. The offer will include 2, 3 and 4-room premises with an area of 33 to 79 m². The apartments on the upper floors will be adjacent to balconies with an area of 4 to 9 m². In addition, the offer includes one-story apartments with terraces with an area of up to 21 m². The second stage is: - 51 storage rooms, - individual single and double garages with an area of 15 to 59 m², - public parking spaces in front of the building.


Building address: ul. Gorzowska 62-68 - plot no. 1/6 (located between ul. South / Krygiera / Cukrowa)

The convenient location is not only the vicinity of the commercial and service infrastructure. The Cukrownia Apartaments is located in the southern part of the city, on the left bank of the Odra River, in the Gumieńce District.

This makes it easy to leave the city, as well as efficient access to its center:

- in the vicinity of 7 bus lines, including 2 night ones,
- Gumieńce railway station,
- location by the National Road No. 13 provides convenient access to the border crossings with Germany (Kołbaskowo and Rosówko),
- the nearby National Road No. 31 ensures efficient exit from the city and convenient communication with the A6 motorway and the S3 expressway,
- in the near future, the investment will also be connected to the Western Bypass of Szczecin with access to two junctions - Będargowo and Kołbaskowo (the construction of the Szczecin bypass is planned for the years 2021-2028).


stage II - 80 apartments - 2024


PUM quantity: 3904 m²

88 apartments

with an area of 35,02 m² - 66,55 m², including:
- 60 2-room apartments (including 1 bedrooms),
- 28 3-room apartments (including 2 bedrooms).

Construction progress:



Have a question? We can help

Apartments Sales Office - Szczecin:

Kusocińskiego (at construction site)
70-237 Szczecin
Opening hours: Mo - Fr: 9-16

Wiesław KulpińskiWiesław Kulpiński - Sales Office Manager
Mobile 516 291 002
e-mail: biuro.szczecin@budnex.pl

Anna SzymańskaAnna Szymańska
Mobile 516 291 002
e-mail: a.szymanska@budnex.pl

Contact us through the contact form:

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Wyrażam zgodę na otrzymywanie od Budnex Deweloper Sp. z o.o. ... Zobacz pełną treść zgodyWyrażam zgodę na używanie przez Budnex Deweloper Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w 66-400 Gorzów Wlkp., przy ul. Husarskiej 34 (Administrator Danych Osobowych) oraz współpracujących współadministratorów, telekomunikacyjnych urządzeń końcowych i automatycznych systemów wywołujących dla celów marketingowych, zgodnie z treścia art. 172 ustawy z dnia 16 lipca 2004 r., prawo telekomunikacyjne na udostępniony przez Panią/Pana numer telefonu.Zaznacz, jeśli możemy do Ciebie zadzwonić.

Wyrażam zgodę na używanie przez Budnex Deweloper Sp. z o.o. ... Zobacz pełną treść zgodyWyrażam zgodę na otrzymywanie od Budnex Deweloper Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w 66-400 Gorzów Wlkp., przy ul. Husarskiej 34 (Administrator Danych Osobowych) oraz współadministratorów informacji handlowej oraz materiałów promocyjnych środkami komunikacji elektronicznej zgodnie z treścią ustawy z dnia 18 lipca 2002 r., o świadczeniu usług drogą elektroniczną.Zaznacz, jeśli możemy skontaktować się z Tobą mailowo.

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